Contents:Ideas, systems, processes -- The box in a valise / Marcel Duchamp -- Association area / Vito Acconci -- Index 001 / Art & language -- Untitled / Michael Asher -- Trying to photography a ball so that it is in the center of the picture / John Baldessari -- 29 pieces as of June 7 1971 / Robert Barry -- Winding towers / Bernd and Hilla Becher -- Measurement room / Mel Bochner -- Millenovecentosettanta / Alighiero Boetti -- Musée d'Art Moderne, Département des Aigles / Marcel Broodthaers-- 1 step + 1 step / Stanley Brouwn -- Pour / Daniel Buren --- Phoopath / Victor Burgin -- Untitled / Hanne Darboven -- Shortest day at Konrad Fischer's Gallery / Jan Dibbets -- Alle Kleide einer Frau / Hans-Peter Feldmann -- Singing sculptures / Gilbert & George -- Figurative / Dan Graham -- MOMA poll / Hans Haacke -- Die fast and quiet-- / Jenny Holzer -- Variable piece no. 70 : 19 (in process), global / Douglas Huebler -- Art Works / Stephen Kaltenbach -- I got up / On Kawara -- A four color sentence / Joseph Kosuth -- How many pictures / Louise Lawler -- Serial project no. 1 (ABCD) / Sol LeWitt -- Splitting / Gordon Matta-Clark -- Facial hair transplant / Ana Mendieta -- Window or wall sign / Bruce Nauman -- 1965/1 - (infinity) (detail 1-35327) / Roman Opalka -- Catalysis IV / Adrian Piper -- Vier verzinkte Elemente Serie D / Charlotte Posenenske -- Nine swimming pools and a broken glass / Edward Ruscha -- A sound grown softer (diminuendo) / Lawrence Weiner -- Oral communication, December 12 1970 / Ian Wilson.